GP ice breaker
If you don’t feel confident speaking about what you’re experiencing, try writing it down. OCD-UK have a helpful ice breaker form that you can use to explain what you’re struggling with to your GP.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-related mental health condition. It can affect people of any age, gender, race, religion or anything else. Although it can be serious and affect your daily life, it’s treatable.
There are two main parts to OCD:
It might feel like compulsions are helping in the moment, but the relief is always short lived. Sooner or later, the urge to repeat the compulsion returns. This can create a vicious cycle of obsessions and compulsions that feels hard to break. It can take up lots of time and get you really down.
But help is available, and we’re here to support you in finding it.
Obsessions are unwelcome or intrusive thoughts, worries, feelings, images, urges or doubts. Everyone’s obsessions are different, but here are some common ones:
You might feel scared, disgusted or ashamed about your obsessions. But it’s important to remember that having a thought about something isn’t the same as doing that thing.
It's okay. There's no need to worry, take a deep breath. Your family is safe, you're safe, and your friends are safe. Nothing is going to happen.
Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or actions that you feel you have to do in response to an obsession. You might do compulsions to try to:
reduce your anxiety
Compulsions are different for everyone, but they can include:
These kinds of rituals can be obvious to other people (like checking if doors are locked). Or they can happen inside your head (like counting things or trying to combat negative thoughts with positive ones).
OCD is misunderstood frequently and is difficult to deal with. But it's completely beatable with good therapy and, sometimes, medication.
Sadly, there are still lots of myths about OCD that you might come across. Below are some of the more common ones you might hear, as well as the reality.
Truth: OCD is a mental health condition that affects between one and two per cent of the population, according to OCD Action.
Truth: It’s true that some people’s experience of OCD does centre around order, hygiene and contamination. And that’s a completely valid experience. But it’s not the same thing as simply liking things neat and tidy. The main difference is the anxiety these obsessions cause for people with OCD. There’s a big difference between liking things a certain way and feeling like you have to do things a certain way to avoid anxiety.
Also, many people with OCD aren’t particularly worried about order, hygiene and contamination. People’s OCD can revolve around all sorts of things and will look different for everyone.
Truth: OCD is not the same thing as perfectionism. Perfectionism is a character trait, whereas OCD is a mental health condition. With OCD, a person feels compelled to carry out certain behaviours. Someone with OCD experiences great anxiety and distress if they can’t perform compulsions. The difference is that perfectionism is not fuelled by anxiety. Instead, it’s a strong desire to meet high standards for particular tasks or skills. This can still be really hard to deal with, but it’s not the same as OCD, which is a mental health condition.
Truth: OCD is a serious condition that nobody chooses to have. Help and support is available, and people can recover from OCD, but they normally need help to do so. It’s not something you can ‘just snap out of’.
Truth: It’s really common to have intrusive thoughts about doing or saying bad things. Most people have these thoughts. But for people with OCD, it can be hard to shrug these off. Often people with OCD will question why they had the thought in the first place and what it means. This causes anxiety because the thought is so horrible to them. It doesn’t mean they secretly want to act on the thought. People with OCD are very unlikely to act on intrusive thoughts.
When we’re worried, it’s normal to want reassurance from other people. For example, if we can’t remember whether we’ve locked the door, we might ask someone: “Did I remember to lock the door?” Or if we’re worried we’ve upset someone, we might ask them: “Did I say something wrong?”
For people with OCD, it can be especially tempting to seek reassurance. It might help relieve anxiety about intrusive thoughts or obsessions in the short term. But this will cause problems in the longer term. You might begin to rely on reassurance from others to reduce your anxiety, which fuels the vicious cycle of OCD. That’s why seeking reassurance can be a compulsion too.
A good first step is to make an appointment to see your GP. They will be able to refer you to your local mental health services for an assessment. This can be a scary step, especially if you feel embarrassed or ashamed about the obsessions or compulsions you’re experiencing. But remember that it’s part of a GP’s job to help you with your mental health. The chances are they’ve spoken to other people who have been through what you’re going through.
Check out our tips on speaking to your doctor about your mental health.
Anybody can go to speak to their GP. But the services available to you might be different depending on your age and location.
N.B. Some CAMHS do not need a referral from your GP. Instead, you might be able to refer yourself, or be referred by your school or someone else. Have a look at our guide to CAMHS for more information and advice.
N.B. In some parts of England, you may be able to refer yourself to a local NHS service for talking therapy.
If you don’t feel confident speaking about what you’re experiencing, try writing it down. OCD-UK have a helpful ice breaker form that you can use to explain what you’re struggling with to your GP.
With the correct combination of professional treatment and support, people with OCD can improve their condition and recover.
If the result of your assessment shows that it’s likely you have OCD, you should be offered the following:
The most common type of therapy used for OCD is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with exposure response prevention (ERP).
CBT with ERP is one treatment and should be offered together. So, if you’re starting CBT sessions for OCD, it’s recommended you also start ERP. These two approaches work together as one treatment method, as recommended by the NICE guidelines for OCD. (NICE guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for health and care in England and Wales.)
With ERP, you face your fears (exposure) and let the obsessive thoughts occur without doing compulsions to neutralise them (response prevention). You start off small with things that only cause you mild anxiety. Once these become more manageable, you work up to the things that cause you more anxiety. This is referred to as the hierarchy approach. Your therapist should support you throughout this process.
You might also be offered other types of therapy such as counselling or family therapy. This can help with other challenges you’re experiencing because of your OCD. While this can be helpful, CBT with ERP is the recommended treatment for OCD.
You might also be prescribed medication to help with your OCD symptoms. Generally this will be a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).
SSRIs include fluoxetine, sertraline or citalopram. But you might also be prescribed a small dose of an antipsychotic medication. This can help to boost the effect of your antidepressants.
Talking about how you feel is often the first step towards getting better. It might feel difficult to explain what you’re experiencing, and you might feel worried about how people will react. This is totally normal. But people who care about you will want to support you, even if they need a little help understanding what’s going on.
Let whoever you’re speaking to know what you would find helpful. Whether you just want someone to listen, or you need someone to help distract you when you’re feeling anxious, it’s okay to say what you need. Or, you might not know what you want from them. That’s okay too. Often just getting things off your chest can make a big difference.
If you’re not sure who to talk to, or how to start the conversation, have a look at our guide to reaching out for help.
OCD-UK also have a booklet that can help if you’re struggling to talk about your OCD.
Try your best to talk to someone you can rely on. It's easier said than done (I know), but once you find that person - no matter who it is to confide in, you won't regret it.
Sometimes it can really help to speak to other people going through what you’re going through. Both OCD-UK and OCD Action run a range of free support groups, including some specifically for young people. You can find out more about support groups through OCD Action or OCD-UK.
There are many other people who go through the same situation. Even though your family and friends may not understand to the fullest, they're always there for you and will try their best to support you.
Some people find it helpful to have a distraction they can turn to when they feel overwhelmed. You could try:
While distraction can be a really helpful tool, it’s important to remember that it’s not a solution. Challenging what your OCD tells you is an important part of recovery. So, having distraction techniques can be helpful, but they’re not a replacement for therapy.
Know that your illness does not define you. Make the choice to counteract it and know you're worthy of a life without it.
Our bloggers share their experience of OCD to help you find ways of coping.
If someone you care about has OCD, it can be hard to know how to support them. But there are things you can do to help.
Learning about the vicious cycle of OCD can help you understand what your friend is going through. They may not feel comfortable telling you what their obsessions and compulsions are. But understanding the pattern can still help you support them.
You might not understand why your friend’s obsessions cause them so much anxiety. That’s okay. The important thing is that you believe them and respect that the anxiety they’re experiencing is very real to them.
If you’re unsure how to support a friend, the best way to find out is to ask them. This is particularly important when it comes to offering reassurance. Many people with OCD will rely on seeking reassurance from the people around them. But this can make things worse in the long term. Try to find a quiet moment to speak with your friend and ask them what they want you to do in these moments.
OCD can be hard to cope with, but it is treatable. Try to encourage your friend to get help if they haven’t already. You could even offer to go with them to the doctors for moral support.
It’s great that you want to support your friend but remember that you don’t have to fix things. Make sure you have time to look after yourself as well.
Offers support and information to anybody affected by obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
OCD-UK provides information, advice and support for people with OCD.
You can access this support by visiting their website or by emailing
You can also join a regular support group for family and carers.
Your child can join a regular support group if they are aged 18 or over. OCD-UK sometimes run groups for under 18s too – check their website for details.
Supports people struggling with panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and other anxiety-related issues - and provides support and information for their carers.
Call 01952 680835 for a recorded breathing exercise to help you through a panic attack (available 24/7).
If you’re under 19 you can confidentially call, chat online or email about any problem big or small.
Sign up for a free Childline locker (real name or email address not needed) to use their free 1-2-1 counsellor chat and email support service.
Can provide a BSL interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired.
Hosts online message boards where you can share your experiences, have fun and get support from other young people in similar situations.
This page was reviewed in November 2023.
It was co-created by young people with lived experience of OCD.
We will next review the page in 2026.
YoungMinds is a proud member of PIF TICK – the UK's quality mark for trusted health information.
Whether you love the page or think something is missing, we appreciate your feedback. It all helps us to support more young people with their mental health.
Please be aware that this form isn’t a mental health support service. If you are in crisis right now and want to talk to someone urgently, find out who to contact on our urgent help page.